ProSeal & ProDry W/Dye Direct Inject
Enviro-Safe Proseal, Prodry & Dye Inject (376 KB, PDF)
- Please note that any 0-5 ton injects marked with "Free Shipping" will ship via USPS unless purchased with something that must ship via Fedex/UPS.
- This product combines our Proseal XL4, Prodry XL4 and Dye into a direct inject hose for an easy to use, one step application that finds and seals leaks and removes moisture in your system.
- Unlike most other products on the market, ProSeal XL4 with Prodry XL4 and Dye Inject travels with the gas, which makes it faster, and more effective at finding leaks. ProSeal XL4 with Prodry XL4 and Dye Inject will seal most leaks when used according to the manufacturer’s instructions and will seal most small holes located in the A/C condenser, evaporator, fittings, and metal line sets. Sealing leaks will save energy and lower refrigerant emissions.
- Forms a hard seal on metal, schrader valves, o’rings, gaskets, a/c condensers, evaporators, line sets and solder joints
- Even though Proseal XL4 with Prodry XL4 and Dye can form a seal on the schrader valve, when you hook up to it the seal will release and allow you to use the schrader if necessary. If there is still Proseal XL4 with Prodry XL4 and Dye in the system it will reseal the schrader.
- ProDry XL4 contains a dehydrating agent that converts system moisture into oil.
- Our Dye uses a precisely selected, florescent-yellow dye that is highly visible and is the same dye used by auto makers in car A/Cs
- This product performs best in heat pumps, split and mini- split units, packaged units, microchannel coils, coolers, and commercial units.
- Applications: heat pumps, split systems & mini split units, packaged units, and microchannel coils
- DO NOT use in ammonia systems
- One-time use
- Concentrated
- No need to pump-down R410 or other units
- No injection-hose or caulk-gun needed
- Concentrated formula means less material in the system
Step 1: Turn the A/C system on and verify the unit is running. Connect ES Proseal XL4 & Prodry XL4 w/ Dye Inject to the low-side service port of the system. (This is generally the large line.)
Step 2: Connect the manifold refrigerant hose to the refrigerant supply tank. Verify the high and low side valves on the manifold are closed before proceeding. Purge the low-pressure hose when connecting to the ES Proseal XL4 & Prodry XL4 w/ Dye Inject.
Step 3: Open the low-side valve and watch for the tube to clear. (This will ONLY take a few seconds!) Turn off low-side manifold valve as soon as the tube is clear. Turn off refrigerant gas. Verify the system is charged to manufacturer’s specifi cations! Disconnect low-side hose from ES Proseal XL4 & Prodry XL4 w/ Dye Inject. Install service port cap. Run the A/C unit at least one hour after installing ES Proseal XL4 & Prodry XL4 w/ Dye Inject.