R1234yf Gauge Set and Vacuum Pump Adapter #1234
- R1234YF Aluminum Gauge set
- Set of 3 - 60" hoses (1 blue, 1 red, 1 yellow)
- Sight glass allows you to see refrigerant going into the system
- Includes vacuump pump adapter (our #3105). This eliminates the need for a new vacuum pump for 1234 systems.
- 3" Gauge faces for easier viewing
- Gauges are anti-flutter
- High and low side screw down couplers
- Comes in a black storage case
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Enviro-Safe Industrial R134A Replacement 30lb & 50lb Cylinders
Remember 12 lbs of Enviro-Safe Industrial equals 31.2lbs of R134a!! Use less refrigerant, get lower high side pressure, colder temps and use less horsepower to get the colder air!
*Haz/Mat fee not included.